“Your time is limited so don’t
waste it living someone else’s life.” ~ Steve Jobs
So many live their life according
to the opinion of others. In fact, very few actually live—they
merely exist.
Unfortunately,many make excusesfor what they do or
don’t do—and one of the greatest excuses we hear is“I don’t have time.”
Actually,this is somewhat correct… you don’t have time—time has you.
And time won’t compensate for hesitation or
In theToltectradition it maintains,
that“most never do what’s necessary to
change until they’re backed into a corner with a dagger hanging
over their head.” While this is graphic, it’s profoundly
When domost find the time to work out and change their diet?After theirdoctortells them that they’re going to have a heart
When domost work on their relationship? When one partner says I’ve
had enough and I’m leaving.
When domost develop a relationship with God,
their Creator? When theirlife turns upside
down and they feel they need someone to save
You see, the reality isyou always find the time to do what you value the
most. No exception.
If you“can’t find the time” to do something, the truth is you don’t
value what you’re considering doing. It has nothing to do with
Most willcruise along business as usual until they need to avoid pain.
It’s a fact that we do more to avoid pain than to seek
But it doesn’t have to be that
You can always tell whatsomeone truly values by two indicators: 1. Where
they spend their time and 2. Where they spend their
If someone’scalendar and bank statement is not full of something, you can
bet they don’t value that something.
about time management—you have the time. It’s about values clarity
and self-management.
first questionyou must answer is:what do you truly value? All else flows from