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Jan 31, 2020

When everything seems to be falling apart...
It's ACTUALLY coming together on a grander scale of order.
Now if ANYONE knows about this...
If ANYONE KNOWS how HARD this is to realize...
If ANYONE KNOWS how difficult this is to get through...
Then with all humility and respect...

Jan 30, 2020

This is the lamest story I ever hear.
You don't need to get more time, you need to discipline you time.
You don't need to manage your time, you need to manage yourself.
The fact is that we all have the same amount of time. 168 hours in a...

Jan 28, 2020

Purpose and pleasure are NOT the same thing.
Contrary to popular thinking, you're not always going to be happy when living your true purpose.
Happiness and pleasure are transitory human emotions; and like all emotions, whether pleasurable or painful, they're fleeting.
Living your purpose CAN...

Jan 27, 2020

It's ENTIRELY up to you.
For most, it's the latter.
Most fool themselves into thinking they "have time."
They don't.
YOU don't!
Time sets across the board from you and is going to sweep you OFF the board MUCH quicker than you think; and CERTAINLY before you're...

Jan 23, 2020

Your SOUL longs to Experience and Expand.
Now I know this is not your typical Leadership and Business topic, yet it should be.
For what IS Leadership after all except effectively and powerfully leading your...